Welcome to Airport Freeway Church of Christ!


By God's grace, we exist as a missional church that loves God and people, starting in Euless, Texas. The body of members at the Airport Freeway church of Christ attempts to live this mission each day by reaching out to friends, neighbors, colleagues, coworkers, and the community. We strive to share God's love and the story of Jesus at every opportunity so that seeds may take root in those we touch which result in the development of faithful relationships with God.


Sunday Morning
9:00am -- Bible Classes (Various Locations)
10:00am -- English Worship (Auditorium); Spanish Worship (Annex 1st Floor)
Sunday Evening
1st and 3rd Sundays
Evening Worship - 5:00pm
2nd and 4th Sundays
Life Groups - Time and place vary
7:00pm -- Bible Classes (Various Locations)
7:45pm-8:00pm -- Church-wide Devotional (Main Auditorium)
Our History

A congregation of the Lord's church was begun in Euless, Texas in April, 1957. In January, 1958, the church bought property and moved an old building to the corner of Pipeline Road and Vine Street. The building was bricked and made comfortable with central heating and air conditioning soon after. As the area grew, the church soon needed more facilities.

A new auditorium, which seated about 275 people, was completed in February, 1960. The area continued to grow as did the church. So in 1964, property located at Himes and Spur 350 was purchased. A new facility was built and the name was Central church of Christ. An activity center was built in September, 1969. In January, 1977, the two congregations of Central church of Christ and Cheek-Sparger church of Christ merged. The name of Airport Freeway church of Christ was chosen.

Soon after, the second floor and garage area were added to the activity building. It is our prayer that the whole Gospel is preached; that we may bring salvation to the lost, encourage the weak, lift up the fallen, and strengthen the saved. Our hope, prayer, plea and aim is to faithfully reproduce the church of the New Testament.